COVID-19 & Immigrant Communities: Your Questions Answered

COVID-19 & Immigrant Communities: Your Questions Answered

Posted April 14, 2020

POSTED IN: Education News

Every significant immigration issue that might affect students or educators, from DACA renewals to federal support of immigrant workers and their families, is impacted by the current COVID-19 pandemic. At the same time, more than 200,000 DACA recipients – including nearly 15,000 educators and 29,000 health care workers – are working to protect our health and safety, ship critical products, staff grocery stores and ensure children are still being educated.

As the federal government and states come together to protect all communities struggling with the pandemic, smart public health and immigration policy responses are critical. Below are some key questions and answers about how COVID-19 is impacting students, educators, and our schools, as well as links to additional information and resources.


Key Concerns for DACA Recipients

USCIS offices have closed – what does this mean for DACA renewals?

The U.S. Supreme Court is expected to issue a DACA decision soon. When is that likely to happen and what might it say?


Public Charge Rules & Access to Health Care, Unemployment Benefits or Stimulus Payments

Who can access COVID-19 tests or treatment? How does the “public charge” rule impact students and families?

Many teachers are applying for unemployment benefits. Could that affect their DACA status or H1B visas?

Regarding payments to individuals under the stimulus packages, who is eligible and how is this impacted by DACA or immigration status?


Immigrant Detention

Has Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) changed its detention practices given the pandemic?


CLICK here to read the answers and full article

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