Look at the
around you.
Most of your colleagues – about 1,500 people – are members of the Boulder Valley Education Association.
BVEA is the professional organization through which we negotiate our salaries, benefits, working conditions, and the learning environment of our students. Our members are the certified professionals who provide our students with the excellent education for which Boulder Valley is known.
As a BVEA member, you also belong to the Colorado Education Association and the National Education Association. BVEA, together with CEA and NEA, has a strong voice and the ability to affect public education policy. Our local, state, and national associations work to secure funds for K-12 education, elect pro public education candidates, protect teachers’ rights and benefits (i.e. PERA), and ensure quality public education for all children.

Reasons to Belong
Be a district leader
BVEA partners with BVSD on all major initiatives. Because BVEA members represent the voice of our Association, they are the best choice for participation in these committees and positions of leadership.
Solve problems cooperatively
Our relationship with BVSD enhances our ability to resolve individual and collective member issues. In fact, most issues are solved collaboratively through shared decision making.
Be part of our community voice
The community in which we live does not see teachers as one thing and our union as another. BVEA is the respected voice of teachers in Boulder Valley.
Advocate politically
The size and strength of our state and national organization allow us to successfully fend off attacks and ill-conceived reform efforts that would hurt teachers and students.
Have someone in your corner
Unforeseen circumstances are part of teaching. It’s important to have someone in your corner if your individual interests and those of the district diverge. Our excellent CEA legal team specializes in education and labor law. All members are also covered by a $1 million liability policy through NEA. CEA also provides attorney referral program for non-education related issues.
Be part of the bigger fight
You can tell from the war on teacher’s unions across the country that we are the main thing standing in the way of those who work against accessible, quality public education for all.
Your Partner. Your Advocate. Your Association.
How to join BVEA
Is this your first teaching contract?
Ask about a special discounted rate for your first year’s membership.
BVEA covers the cost of student membership for your first year being a student teacher.
Who can enroll?
Student Membership is available if you are enrolled in a postsecondary program that is preparatory for employment in a position that will make you eligible for Active (teacher) membership in the NEA.
When can I enroll?
Enrollment for the current membership year is offered online from the start of the membership year, September 1, through the end of May. Beginning June 1, the online system accepts applications for enrollment for the next membership year, however you can still enroll for the current year by submitting a paper enrollment form and check payment. Contact your State Education Association or Aspiring Educators Representative if you need an enrollment form.
Membership Year and Benefits Coverage
The current membership year, runs from September 1 through August 31. Benefits of current-year membership, including Employment Educators Liability insurance coverage, are effective from the date application is made with payment, through the end of the membership year. Certain benefits may apply retroactively from the beginning of the membership year; contact your State Education Association for details.
Already a Member? Not Sure of your membership status?
If you have enrolled/renewed your membership already and just want to print a proof of membership, or you do not recall whether you enrolled/renewed or are uncertain whether a recent enrollment attempt was completed successfully, please click “Check My Membership Status.”
Members in the CEA/NEA Student Program are eligible to receive the following benefits:
- Today and CEA Journal
- NEA’s Annual Tomorrow’s Teacher Magazine
- Cutting edge research from the NEA Professional Library
- $1 million Educators Employment Liability Insurance
- Legal Service advice/consultation from a CEA attorney in legal matters directly related to your preparation to become a teacher.
Professional Development
- The NEA Aspiring Educator Program holds its own national leadership and professional development conferences.
Personal Economic benefits through NEA Member Benefits including:
- Credit Card Program
- Auto and Homeowners Insurance through California Causality (Call for free quote 1-866-693-8458)
- Personal Loan Program 1-888-801-6659
- Line of Credit Program
- Car Rental Discount Program
- Other programs designed for new teachers
Enroll now on the NEA website. Many colleges and universities in the state have active Local Associations on campus for students studying education.
Once you have finished enrolling, you will receive an email confirming your successful membership as an NEA Student Member. The PDF will also include a receipt of the transaction. After that, please email a copy of the letter to bvea@coloradoea.org, and BVEA will reimburse you for the first year of joining. In addition, BVEA will add you to our email list to keep you updated on local events and news.
If you have questions, please email us at bvea@bouldervalleyea.org or contact your building AR to help answer any questions you may have.
2024-2025 Membership
monthly dues for 2024-2025 (august 1 – july 31)
BVEA (Boulder Valley Education Association)
Full-Time Educator = $89.32/month
Part-Time Educator (<0.62 FTE) = $45.62/month
BVCEA (Boulder Valley Classified Employees Association)
12-Month (260 days) Employee = $30.69/month
10-Month Employee = $23.08/month
For More Information, contact:
Beth Stevens, BVCEA President, beth.stevens.bvcea@gmail.com
BVPA (Boulder Valley Paraeducators Association)
10-Month Paraeducator = $25.50/month
For More Information, Contact:
Lisa Larsen, BVPA President, lisa.bvpa@gmail.com
Other Ways to Join
BVEA Retired Membership (pre-retired, lifetime memberships, etc.) – Contact Kenneth Nova, BVEA-R President, kgnova9@mac.com
Substitutes & Other Memberships – Contact CEA, www.coloradoea.org